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lifetime update

Our products are premium digital products, ready for immediate download from “Thank you page“. However, it’s essential to note that you should receive both the order and activation emails for future downloads.

Emails should arrive in your inbox without any issues. However, sometimes with certain services, especially if you have an email with Yahoo, Outlook, Msn.com, Live.com or Hotmail, our emails may end up in the “Promotions” or “Spam” folder. In such cases, please locate the email and mark it as “Mark as not spam.” You can find detailed steps on how to do this below.

  • Check Spam Folder:
    • Click on “Spam“, “Promotions” or “Junk” to see if the emails are there
  • How to search for a specific email (from info@smokeoverlay.com):
    • Use the search bar  and type “info@smokeoverlay.com“. It will display any emails from this address, including those in the Spam or other folders.
  • Verify Your Email Address:
    • Make sure the email address provided during checkout was correct. (Write to us as soon as possible.)
  • Search for Emails:
    • Use the search bar to look for the sender’s email address. (info@smokeoverlay.com)


Where to check Yahoo.com:

  • Spam Folder:
    • Go to the Spam folder on the left sidebar. Bulk/Marketing Emails: Yahoo automatically filters promotional or bulk emails. Check the “Views” section under Unread and Newsletters.
  • How to search for a specific email (info@smokeoverlay.com):
    • Use the search bar at the top and type “info@smokeoverlay.com“. It will display any emails from this address, including those in the Spam or other folders.
  • Mark an email as “Not Spam”:
    • Open the email from Spam. Click on the “Not Spam” button at the top of the email. This will move it to your Inbox and improve future email filtering.

Where to check Hotmail / Outlook.com:

  • Junk Email Folder:
    • Click on “Junk Email” in the left sidebar to see if any emails are there.
      Other Folders: Emails may be in the “Other” tab if you have Focused Inbox enabled. If so, check the Other tab in your Inbox.
  • How to search for a specific email (info@smokeoverlay.com):
    • Use the search bar at the top of the page and type “info@smokeoverlay.com“. This will show all emails from this sender, no matter which folder they are in.
  • Mark an email as “Not Junk”:
    • Open the email from the Junk Email folder.
      Click the “It’s not junk” option at the top of the email. This moves it back to your Inbox.

Where to check Gmail.com:

  • Spam Folder:
    • Go to the Spam folder in the left sidebar. Promotions/Updates Tabs: Gmail automatically sorts emails into Primary, Promotions, and Updates tabs. Check both Promotions and Updates for any missing emails.
  • How to search for a specific email ( info@smokeoverlay.com):
    • In the search bar, type “info@smokeoverlay.com“. This will display all emails from this sender, even those in Spam or other tabs.
  • Mark an email as “Not Spam”:
    • Open the email in the Spam folder.
      Click “Report not spam” at the top of the message. This will move it back to the Inbox.

Where to check MSN.COM:

  • Junk Email Folder:
    • Look for emails in the Junk Email folder. Other Folders: Similar to Outlook, MSN uses Focused/Other tabs, so check both tabs if applicable.
  • How to search for a specific email:
    • Type “info@smokeoverlay.com” in the search bar to display any emails from this address.
  • Mark an email as “Not Spam”:
    • Open the email in the Junk Email folder. Select the “It’s not junk” button to move it back to the Inbox and ensure future emails are properly filtered.

If the email still hasn’t arrived at all, it may be a technical issue that we would be happy to assist you with. Just fill out the form below, and we will address it promptly.


Contact us, and we’ll assist you in fixing the email issue!

Do not hesitate to ask – we will answer you soon.

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